All the pictures below were taken from a tiny small pond in my garden. My fascination for the water got deeper and deeper, down the pool. Intrigued by different levels when I am drawn to look more and deeper: before, surface, reflection, shadow, behind and beyond. In the shadows appears the life below, but only shaped by the silhouet of figures before.
Also pictures of pictures were taken. no photoshop editing. mixed with reflections of a new environment on the computer screen. picture on picture, like echo on echo. copying and repeating images, not sound.
Closely related is the story of Alice in Wonderland, I saw others referring to the story too. I recently saw the amazing movie
Tideland. Take a quick look at the movie website or watch the movie if you can. The story is grim, but the imagination of a girl, turns all into a fairytale. Creating a world in a world. a dream in a dream.
The echo is a copy, a repetition of something that might even be in itself a copy of something else. always moving away from the original. creating more nothingness...